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  2. Self Financial rent and bills reporting

I already subscribe to Rent+Bills, so how do I sign up for free rent reporting?

To sign up for free rent reporting if you already have a premium subscription, there are a few steps you’ll need to take. 

  1. Cancel your premium Rent+Bills subscription.
  2. Close out any bill payment obligations only (if applicable). Please do not close the rent account you still want us to report.  
  3. Wait until your current subscription’s billing cycle ends. You can view when that is during cancelation or by visiting your subscription details. Once this billing cycle is over, benefits available only through the paid subscription — like bills reporting, Identity Theft Insurance, and credit monitoring — will end. 
  4. After your current billing cycle is over, sign up for free rent reporting. 

To continue building credit via bill payments, in addition to rent payments, and to stay enrolled in other benefits like Identity Theft Insurance and credit monitoring, keep your premium, paid subscription.

Note: this offering is only available for Self users.